Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a CYCW
July 26th, 2021 / By Eastern College
The Child and Youth Care Worker (CYCW) Diploma program at Eastern College has come back to Nova Scotia with some exciting new updates, including an articulation with Mount Saint Vincent University. Through this new partnership, Eastern College and Mount Saint Vincent University aim to broaden the career opportunities of those interested in the Child and Youth Worker field. This line of work is ideal for those who like to help others and want to make a difference in their community and the lives of the people in it. Graduates of Eastern College’s Child and Youth Care Worker Diploma program will be eligible to receive admission with (up to 50%) advanced standing to Mount Saint Vincent University’s Child and Youth Study Degree program through this new articulation venture.

CYCWs advocate for healthy behaviour and help children and youth overcome everyday difficulties in their work.
Child and Youth Care Workers or CYCWs work alongside children, youth, and their families, helping them to overcome their everyday difficulties and promote healthy behaviours. CYCWs can find employment in group and/or individual counselling, family counselling, correctional facilities, schools, hospitals, in the homes of clients through an agency, residential programs, and in social services. CYCWs work in conjunction with school boards, not-for-profit organizations, the government, court systems, privately-owned agencies, and more. A successful CYCW will understand how their work intersects with other sectors as they relate to children, youth, and their families.
Graduates of the Child and Youth Care Worker are equipped with all the necessary skills and educations to be successful in the field. Through industry-aligned classes, shadowing a CYCW practitioner and a 6-week internship provide students with the opportunity to put their theoretical learnings into practice. A newly enhanced curriculum aligns the CYCW program at Eastern with the most current competencies and standards of the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services. Students will benefit from receiving in-demand certifications such as Mental Health First Aid, Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCI), High Five, Individual Program Planning, and more. Partnerships with local agencies allow students the opportunity to practice their skills in a real-world environment while developing their professional network.
Programs at Eastern are modular, allowing students the ability to earn a high-quality education at an accelerated rate, preparing them for the workplace sooner. Half-day classes make it possible for students to balance their studies with their day-to-day lives. This program is ideal for anyone who wants to gain the skills required to get into the field right away. The Child and Youth Care Diploma program is available on a full-time basis and provides career planning assistance to all students.
Learn more about the Eastern College Child and Youth Care Worker Diploma program here: Child And Youth Care Worker
Learn more about Mount Saint Vincent University here: Child and Youth Study
With addiction being an issue more families are dealing with, Eastern College also offers the Child and Youth Care With Addictions Support Worker program, offering you the tools to help deal with their children’s addiction issues.