Five Ways To Continue Growing As A Massage Therapist
October 11th, 2016 / By Eastern College
Attaining a degree in massage therapy at Eastern College demonstrates that you have the skills to pursue employment in various clinical settings and private practice. However, learning is a lifelong skill and there are always ways for you to do an even better job for your clients.

Listening and being empathic to your clients can assist you in identifying the most effective plan and help you improve your business and skills.
Here are five suggestions on how you can enhance your skills as a massage therapy professional:
Expand Your Knowledge
Are there any new techniques you are not aware of that could benefit your clients? Sign up for courses that will broaden your knowledge of the subject and/or improve your techniques.
Is there an underserved population in your community (e.g. senior citizens) when it comes to massage therapy? Examine both your current client base and others you don’t often work with currently when deciding on how to expand your knowledge. When you have those new skills, make sure potential clients hear about them.
Provide a Relaxing Work Space
Many people hope for pain relief from massage, while others wish to ease their aching, knotted muscles. The common denominator for all clients is relaxation. Thus, your massage area should help to promote a sense of calm. While working, use subdued lighting and soothing scents. Make sure you always also have appropriate towels, pillows, and padding on hand for the client table.
Practice Good Hygiene
The care and cleanliness mentioned above should also apply to your own habits. As you will be working very closely with clients, it is important to maintain your personal hygiene. Ensure that you shower and apply deodorant before coming to work. Wear clean, fresh smelling clothes while working.
Watch out for overpowering scents, such as perfume or cologne. Strong or unpleasant smells can distract the client, causing them to feel uneasy both mentally and physically. If they cannot relax and let you do your work, the massage will not be effective.
Focus on Your Clients
It can become easy to tune things out, even other people, if you are always concentrating on the job. However, it is very important to solicit feedback from clients as you work. You may know the areas that require attention, but the client can help you identify the most effective way to aid them. This can involve both the level of relief and/or pain they experience during an appointment. Listen and be empathetic.
It is also valuable to finish an appointment with a verbal recap of the work you have done, and a reminder of any exercises the client should do on their own.
Provide Excellent Customer Service
In addition to communication, you also need to think about the business side of your practice. Maintain a proper appointment schedule that allows you to spend the necessary time with each individual. Be sure to return client phone calls and messages. Arrive at your location composed and ready to work. If you are late or obviously distracted by issues in your life, clients can perceive this.
Your massage therapy degree proves you have the necessary professional qualifications to offer your services. It is up to you to practice everything expected of a professional.
For more information, please visit our Massage Therapy page!