How to Get Good Grades in Online Classes
April 21st, 2023
Online classes are a fantastic way to gain the knowledge you need to upgrade your skills for your current career or for transitioning to a new one. They give you the flexibility to learn at your own pace and schedule your studies based on your availability.

1. Treat online classes just like you would in-person classes.
Online learning offers the same benefits as those of their in-class counterparts — you just don’t have to travel nor follow a set schedule. If you take it as seriously, then you will be in the correct mindset to carry out your goals. This will allow you to focus and devote your time to achieve the good grades you yearn.
2. Schedule your time.
Online programs for adults allow you to choose your own schedule. However, it also takes discipline to ensure that you are allotting enough time to carry out the course requirements. You will want to check and see what your facilitator’s office hours are and make sure that you allocate extra time for questions. Set up a schedule that you can stick with to stay on top of your studies and eventually turn it into a routine. If you take the time for your studies, you will be rewarded with good grades.
3. Stay organized.
Becoming organized allows you to concentrate on your studies. Make sure you have created a workspace that works for you and has everything you need. If you keep your workspace organized, you won’t have to look for things nor be distracted from completing your schoolwork. Keep your digital files organized as well in appropriately named folders, so you can easily find them. In this way, you can stay focused on your work, and you won’t waste time.
4. Eliminate distractions.
When you are scheduled to study, get rid of any distractions. Inform your friends and family not to disturb you unless it is an emergency. Turn your phone off or put it on silent mode, don’t browse irrelevant sites, and make sure that the TV is off. Instead, treat these pleasures as incentives to complete your assignments.
Working undisturbed allows you to retain more information and improve your chances of doing better on assignments and tests.
5. Log in to your online class often.
You can usually access the assignments, syllabus, and course materials anytime, so you can work on them when you want to. Take advantage of this opportunity. Log in at least three times a week to stay on top of your assignments and deadlines, review your coursework, and take part in discussions or online forums. Practice these to avoid missing updates.

6. Complete all course materials.
In online classes, you need to watch all the lectures and read all materials. Along with these, you can follow recommendations to further your understanding of the content and help complete your assignments. Set aside time to go through as much of this extra content as possible to give you added insight into your subject and therefore get better grades.
7. Participate in class discussions/forums.
Participation counts in online learning courses. If you want to maximize your mark for this, then you will need to add valuable insight to any discussion. It can help you clarify ideas and obtain other points of view you may not have considered, giving you stronger insights for assignments and projects. These participation marks can make the difference between a good mark and a great mark.
8. Divide major projects into smaller tasks.
Some of the projects you will be asked to work on may look enormous when you first read what is involved. Take a deep breath and see if you can break it down into smaller tasks.
You can start with reading and researching the topic, then writing the first draft, and proofreading or editing it. Setting up smaller tasks with deadlines will let you get through the project and meet the overall deadline for its presentation. Doing this makes it much easier, more organized, and less stressful.
9. Meet all the given deadlines.
Online classes offer flexibility, but you still need to follow deadlines. Go through the course outline, see when assignments are due, and mark those in your calendar to avoid forgetting any. This will also allow you to figure out how much time you have for each assignment. If you can stay on top of these deadlines, you can receive better marks for your projects and improve your work if resubmission is allowed.
10. Reach out if you need help.
This is a particularly crucial step in online classes because you do not want to fall behind in your studies. Facilitators expect you to ask questions, so they can help you understand the concepts you are struggling with. This will also build a rapport with them and allow them to assess where you are and how they can further help you to reach your goals.
Doing something that can help you understand the subject better can always lead you towards the path of success. Discipline yourself to follow these tips for a seamless online learning experience.
For more information on online classes in Canada, please check out Eastern College’s Online Learning program page.