Simulated Exercises Help Police Foundations Students
April 18th, 2017 / By Eastern College
Book learning can only take a student so far, particularly when it comes to a hands-on profession like policing. Police foundations students can learn theories and techniques from classroom instruction, but in order to truly develop skills in policing, simulations with actors in a controlled environment are necessary. Here are three reasons why this is the case:

Students of police foundations may learn theory and techniques from classroom instruction, but simulations with actors in a controlled environment can help them develop skills in policing.
Practical Experience
Many simulated exercises will teach students about how the natural order of things will go once they are on a job. For instance, should they be interviewing suspects, victims, roping off the area, etc.? How would the dialogue play out? These scenarios also reinforce how the legal procedure for arresting a suspect should go, as well as how to properly examine evidence at the scene and pass it on for further testing, if necessary. Multiple simulated exercises can also allow students to get a feel for how things would change if something were to go awry in the middle of the exercise. Without the real scenario, students will never truly know how they are going to react.
Detailed Feedback
The instructors, and in some cases current police officers, are able to observe how the Police Foundations students handle these simulated exercises. This means they can identify areas in which the students are doing well and where they may require some improvement. This is just about impossible with book learning, though the theoretical component is still a beneficial part of the education process, since it can help students build an understanding prior to the simulated exercises.
Make Mistakes Now
Perhaps the greatest benefit police foundations students can glean from simulated exercise is the ability to make mistakes and still have the opportunity to walk away from the situation unharmed. People are only human and as such, are liable to make mistakes, particularly in the beginning. If this is left to when the students are officially on the job as police officers, they may not be able to walk away unharmed from a situation if it got out of hand or if someone made even a simple error.
The simulated exercises let them experience the mistakes and learn from them without significant consequences. This is a time when the instructors and police officers want the students to make the mistakes. Get those out of the way now, so they do not cause issues when the students are officially on the job. In a risky position like a police officer, this opportunity is invaluable.
Are you interested in becoming a police officer? Are you looking to acquire some experience prior to officially joining the force to serve and protect the public? Eastern College has the perfect solution for you in the Police Foundations program, combining classroom learning with a field placement and firearm safety training. By the end of the 54 week program, you will be ready to enter the police force. For more information about the Police Foundations program at Eastern College, visit the program page on our website.
Check out our Police Foundations page to learn more about the program.